Updated Jan 24, 2020

“Parenting the Love and Logic Way” is a program that offers strategies to raise a responsible child that learns from the consequences of their own mistakes. Participants will learn about preparing children for the real world and avoiding power struggles by letting empathy and consequences do the teaching.

Updated Dec 19, 2019

As a result of an Executive Order signed by President Trump on December 17, 2019, Gov. Ricketts has announced that Nebraska state government agencies will be closed on Tuesday, December 24, 2019.  State law provides that whenever the President gives federal employees paid time off, the State of Nebraska shall grant the same benefit to state employees.

Updated Jan 09, 2020
When the university is closed because of inclement weather, all regular office/service and managerial/professional personnel scheduled to work (except essential personnel*) will be considered on paid leave (BADW).
Updated Oct 03, 2019

The University of Nebraska will begin offering an employer-sponsored health savings account option on Jan. 1.

Updated Oct 01, 2019

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Employee Assistance Program is offering a relationship check-up class to faculty and staff.