Effective: Jul 01, 2018
Last Revised: Oct 19, 2023
Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance
Responsible University Office: Fleet Management
Policy Contact: Scott Ensor
Policy Contents
This policy applies to the use of motor vehicles used on official University of Nebraska business by faculty, staff and students.
Policy Statement
Authorized Drivers
The following individuals may qualify as authorized vehicle operators – see authorized driver requirements below.
- Members of the Board of Regents
- Employees (faculty and staff) and emeriti faculty of the University of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska students, not included in the above mentioned groups, who are traveling on official University business as designated by the Chancellor’s Office, Dean or Director.
Authorized Driver Requirements
Faculty and staff:
University vehicles may be driven by licensed employees over 18 years of age.
To be considered for approval to drive, the department or individual must:
- Complete the New Driver Authorization Form online. (Note: The department employing the driver is responsible for all fees required to obtain driving records.)
- Have a "V" status driver's license and in the last 36 months driving records free of:
- A current suspension or revocation of a state driver's license that restricts an employee's ability to drive at work.
- Any traffic violations within a three-year period accumulating a total of 6 or more points. (In alliance with insurance industry standards, drivers accumulating 6 or more points in a 36 month period are considered high risk drivers)
Note: For the first 36 months while this policy is being implemented, existing employees, with prior driving records that would prevent them from being authorized to drive on University business, may be allowed to drive with provisional authorization if they receive no additional traffic violations. Provisional authorization will be granted after review by campus specific committee. Each committee is comprised of the University Risk Manager, Employee Relations Director, University Police or Campus Security, and University Fleet Management Director. Driving records will be monitored monthly (at the employing departments’ expense) for existing employees with provisional authorization. Any traffic violation conviction will result in the immediate removal of this provisional authorization.
If a Department of Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Report reveals convictions (regardless of whether points were assigned or not) for Major Traffic Offenses as enumerated in Appendix A, or license suspension or revocation as specified above, the University department that employs the employee shall be notified by University Fleet Management or Human Resources the employee is no longer authorized to operate a University vehicle or drive on University business. If requested by the employee, a copy of the Motor Vehicle Report will be given to that employee. If that employee disputes the facts shown on the Motor Vehicle Report, he/she may challenge them with the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles. Appeals for removal of University driving privileges will be reviewed by a campus-specific committee comprised of the University Risk Manager, Employee Relations Director, University Police or Campus Security, and University Fleet Management Director.
An employee who drives a vehicle during the course of performing University duties who no longer meets the driver standards of this policy may be given alternative duties for which he/she is qualified or at the unit’s discretion may be terminated according to University Human Resource policy. Units should contact Human Resources to facilitate this process.
An employee who accumulates a total of 6 or more points within a three-year period and no longer meets the driver standards of this policy may, through their supervisor or department head, request provisional authorization review by the designated campus review committee. Provisional authorization can be requested by the employee’s supervisor; is not guaranteed; requires the employee remain free from any moving violation conviction for 36 months; and will only be granted once to the employee. The employee may be required to complete a driver training course (named by the committee) at the employee’s expense.
Motor Vehicle Records will be monitored monthly for changes in license status and major moving violation conviction for all employees who drive a vehicle during the course of performing University duties and will be initiated prior to a job offer being made to new applicants whose duties include vehicle operation.
- New employees whose duties will include a substantial amount of vehicle operation may be hired contingent on the University receiving a driving history that qualifies them as an Authorized Driver as defined above.
- New hires are not eligible to drive until approved.
- New hires are not eligible for provisional authorization.
- If an employee is hired with an unacceptable driving record, before they may become eligible to drive on University business, their 36-month driving record must be free of all moving violation convictions.
- All drivers shall report any conviction for any Major Traffic Offense (whether or not points are assessed) or any change in the status of their license to their supervisor that results in the loss of work driving privileges.
- This action shall occur on the first working day following the conviction or as soon as possible thereafter.
- The supervisor shall report such change or conviction to University Fleet Management and Human Resources immediately.
Failure to comply with this policy shall be considered a willful violation of this policy and may subject an employee to disciplinary action, and loss of University driving privileges.
All driving records are monthly monitored; drivers with no moving violations on record with be fully reviewed every other year; drivers with minor moving violations on record will fully reviewed annually; trained large passenger-van drivers will be fully reviewed annually; commercial driver’s license will be fully reviewed annually. If monthly monitoring reveals a conviction for a major traffic offense, or change in license status, the driver’s motor vehicle record will be fully reviewed.
Only currently enrolled full or part-time students over 18 years of age who have been approved by University Fleet Management are allowed to drive University-owned or rented vehicles. For agriculture related work, some 17 year old license holders may be allowed to operate certain vehicles as specified by Child Labor Law on agriculture property while under direct supervision. In order to be approved to drive, the department or student must:
- Complete the New Driver Authorization Form online. Students who are not student employees are responsible for all fees required to obtain driving records and should be processed through their student organization or sports club.
- Have a "V" status driver's license and in the last 36 months driving records free of:
- A current suspension or revocation of a state driver's license that restricts an employee's ability to drive at work.
- Any traffic violations within a three-year period accumulating a total of 6 or more points.
Faculty / Staff / Students who, at any time, do not meet the above qualifications will be prohibited from driving University-owned or leased vehicles. International drivers licenses or licenses issued by countries other than the United States are not acceptable. Driver's licenses issued in the United States less than 12 months prior to the date of planned travel may not be accepted. Drivers with licenses issued in the past 12 months will be required to demonstrate driving proficiency prior to being authorized to operate motor vehicles on University business. Driving proficiency demonstrations can be scheduled by emailing fleet@unl.edu or autorental@unl.edu
Authorized Passengers
The following individuals qualify as authorized passengers in University owned vehicles.
- Employees and emeriti staff members of the University of Nebraska
- Members of the Board of Regents
- Members of an official University committee approved by the chancellor’s office to travel on University business
- Individuals on special assignment who have received approval from a dean/director or higher
- Transport of other officers, employees or guests of the University when they are on official University of Nebraska business. Including special use programs sponsored by the University of Nebraska – safe ride, after hours transport, Police transport, etc.
- University of Nebraska students traveling on official University business
- Student trip insurance is required for all students traveling in university vehicles. See Student Field Trip Insurance Request form on the UNL Risk Management website (login is required for the form).
- When University students will be traveling in University of Nebraska vehicles, an additional completed “Student Trip Form” must be submitted to University Risk Management and University Fleet Management prior to release of the vehicle.
Covered University Vehicles
The Driving and Motor Vehicle Policy is applicable to the drivers of all University owned and leased, rented or donated vehicles which are leased or rented in the University’s name or used in the course and scope of University business regardless of lessee/renter. This policy is applicable to personally owned vehicles in the event that the vehicle is used on university business and the employee is requesting mileage reimbursement. It is also applicable to all drivers of large passenger-vans regardless of whether they are owned, leased, rented or donated for use by the University of Nebraska.
Authorized Uses of University Vehicles
Use of University vehicles is limited to University business only, including:
- Travel between the place where the University vehicle is dispatched and the place where official University business is performed.
- When on official travel status, between the place of University business and the place of temporary lodging.
- When on official travel status and not within reasonable walking distance, between either of the above places and places to obtain meals; places to obtain medical assistance (including drugstores); and other places required to sustain the health, welfare or continued efficient performance of the driver, exclusive of places of entertainment.
- Transport of other officers, employees or guests of the University when they are on official University business, including special use programs sponsored by the University of Nebraska - safe ride, after hours transport, Police transport, etc.
- Transport of consultants, contractors or commercial firm representatives when such transport is in the direct interest of the University.
- Travel between the place of dispatch and place of performance of University business to a driver's personal residence when specifically authorized by the proper University authority.
- Commuting – There may be situations where the best interest of the University is served by having the driver retain possession of the vehicle during non-duty periods and authorization to do so should be cleared with the department head and University Fleet Management Director.
- Out-of-state travel when specifically authorized in advance according to college or department policy.
Unauthorized Use of University Vehicles
Use of a University vehicle for any of the following purposes shall be considered unauthorized and shall subject the driver to potential disciplinary action:
- Any use for a personal purpose, other than commuting, which has been authorized as specified in Authorized Use. Nebraska Statute No. 81-1024 states:
"No officer or employee of the State of Nebraska shall use any motor vehicle owned by the State of Nebraska for any personal use whatsoever. Any officer or employee who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a Class V misdemeanor, and in addition thereto the officer or employee shall be deemed guilty of official misconduct in office for palpable omission of duty, and upon conviction thereof the court shall have the power to add to the judgment that any officer or employee shall be removed from office or employment."
- Travel or tasks which are beyond the vehicles rated capability. (i.e.: Loads exceeding vehicle GVWR, exceeding trailer tow capacity, off road usage, etc.)
- Transport of family, friends, associates, or other persons who are not employees of the University or serving the interest of the University.
- Transport of hitchhikers
- Transport of cargo which has no relation to the performance of official University business.
- Transport of acids, explosives, weapons, ammunition, or highly flammable material, except by specific authorization or in an emergency situation.
- Transport of any item or equipment projecting from the side, front or rear of the vehicle in a way that constitutes an obstruction to safe driving or a hazard to pedestrians or to other vehicles.
- Transport of employees or students from the workplace to restaurants, cafes, drugstores or to other places that are not in the service of University business.
- Attending sporting events, including hunting and fishing, that are not in the service of University business.
- Extending the length of time the vehicle is in the driver's possession beyond that which is required to complete the official purpose of the trip.
- Operating a University vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Vehicle Security
The security of University vehicles and their contents is the drivers' responsibility.
Vehicles, when left unattended for any reason, must have the keys removed, the windows tightly closed and the doors locked to prevent unauthorized use or theft of the vehicle or its contents.
Vehicle Hours of Operation
Vehicle operators should drive no more than three (3) continuous hours within a ten (10) hour period. Frequent rest, food and stretch breaks should interrupt driving time to combat drowsy or fatigued driving.
Between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM, no passenger van or bus may be operated for more than four (4) hours any continuous trip. After four (4) hours the van or bus driver is required to stop the vehicle for an extended rest break and not continue travels until after 7:00 AM and fully rested.
For vehicles other than passenger vans or buses: If there is more than one (1) authorized driver, and the drivers switch driving every two (2) or three (3) hours, sedans, pickups, SUV’s, and trucks are limited to no more than six (6) hours of operation between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM for any continuous trip, otherwise the vehicle is limited to no more than four (4) hours operation between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM.
Drivers are allowed to complete a continuous trip if the driver is not fatigued and the additional travel time does not exceed one (1) additional hour. A continuous trip is defined as the point of origin to the final destination.
Large (Full-size) Passenger-Vans
The following is for use of passenger vans/buses, passenger vans and passenger buses with a seating capacity of 10 or greater. Use or purchase of extended wheelbase or extended length 15 passenger vans is not permitted.
In order to use a passenger van/bus on University business either through University Fleet Management, department owned, personally owned or from an outside vendor the following apply:
- Only University faculty, staff, and students who are 21 years or older may operate a passenger van/bus while on university business. For local travel only, University Fleet Management's director may grant van driver age exceptions.
- In order to be approved to drive on University business all drivers must have submitted a request to drive on university business. Note: The department employing the driver is responsible for all fees required to obtain driving records. Student drivers who are not University employees are responsible for all fees required to obtain driving records.
- Driving records will be monitored monthly for all authorized drivers.
- In order to drive any 12 passenger van, all passenger van drivers must have taken and passed the van driver training program offered by the University of Nebraska. All passenger buses with a capacity greater than 15 passengers require a CDL with a passenger endorsement. In order for passenger endorsed CDL holders to operate a 12 passenger van outside the city limits of Lincoln NE, they must pass the van driver training program and be at least 21 years of age.
- The occupancy of the van/bus (including the driver) shall be no greater than 12 persons for 12 passenger vans or the rated passenger bus capacity. All van occupants must wear seat belts at all times; therefore, van occupancy shall never exceed seat belt capacity.
- No van/bus may be operated for more than four hours between the hours of 10:00 pm and 7:00 am for any continuous trip. A continuous trip is defined as the point of origin to the final destination.
- Roof racks and/or trailer hitches are never allowed on passenger vans or buses.
- The maximum speed on a passenger van is 70MPH or the posted limit (whichever is lower). The maximum speed on a passenger bus will be 65 MPH or the posted limit (whichever is lower).
- All other University policies and rules for vehicle usage will apply in addition to the special provisions listed above for the passenger van/bus.
Vehicles Requiring Commercial Driver License (CDL)
Vehicles requiring a CDL are defined as:
- Combination of vehicles with Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds provided the GVWR of the vehicle(s) being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
- Single vehicle with GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
- Single vehicle less that 26,001 pounds GVWR, or any such vehicle towing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds GVWR, comprising of vehicles required to be placarded for hazardous materials or any bus designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver.
Effective May 1, 2007, driving records will be checked annually for all drivers holding commercial drivers licenses.
CDL (Commercial Driver License) holders must meet University of Nebraska Authorized Driver Requirements.
Testing for Alcohol and Controlled Substances for Employees Required to Hold a Commercial Driver’s License
Effective January 1, 1995, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was required by the United State Department of Transportation (DOT) to establish a policy and process which provides testing for alcohol and controlled substances of all employees required to hold a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) as a function of their UNL employment.
This applies to all employees of UNL who are required to hold a CDL as a condition of employment. For purposes of this policy covered employees will be referred to as "drivers". This applies to applicants selected for a position, current employees, and current employees applying to move into a position requiring a CDL as a condition of employment.
Drivers must submit to testing for alcohol and controlled substances, including but not limited to urinalysis and breath testing. Upon instructing a driver to report for such testing, the supervisor must notify the driver that testing is being performed as required by DOT regulations. Drivers will be tested under the following circumstances:
Circumstances for Testing
- A driver-applicant must be tested for controlled substance use as a condition of employment. Employment offers will be conditional until two requirements are met: 1) the applicant must sign consent forms for testing as required by policy, and 2) the applicant must have negative results from required testing.
- Exception: Drivers who can document previous participation in testing for alcohol and controlled substances have possibly fulfilled pre-employment testing requirements. Questions should be directed to Human Resources.
Reasonable Suspicion
- Drivers must be tested when conduct or appearance gives reasonable suspicion of alcohol or controlled substance use. The driver's behavior must be witnessed by a supervisor or other unit manager (two if reasonably possible) trained in the detection of alcohol and controlled substance use. The supervisor must escort the driver to the testing site.
- Reasonable suspicion must be based on specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech, or body odors of the employee. The supervisor observing such behavior must make a written record of the behavior within 24 hours of the observed behavior or before results of tests are released, whichever is earlier.
- Under a scientifically valid selection method, drivers must be chosen at random for unannounced testing. Random testing must be reasonably spaced throughout the year and must result in alcohol-testing of at least 25% of the total number of the average number of University of Nebraska driver positions. Random testing for controlled substances must result in testing of at least 50% of the average number of the University of Nebraska driver positions.
- Tests for alcohol and controlled substances must be administered to any driver who is involved in an accident if the accident results in loss of human life or if the driver receives a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation. At the discretion of the driver's supervisor and Human Resources, tests may be administered to a driver involved in any accident. Drivers must report the accident immediately, and they must immediately thereafter report for testing to a previously identified laboratory approved by the Department of Health and Human Services. Drivers must be provided necessary post-accident information, procedures, and instructions prior to beginning employment duties.
- Tests must be administered as soon as practicable. An alcohol test must be administered within two hours (and no later than eight hours) following the accident. A controlled substance test must be administered within 32 hours following the accident. If tests are not administered within established time frames, efforts to test must stop, and a report must be filed with the DOT to explain why tests were not promptly administered. A driver who is subject to post-accident testing must remain readily available for the testing or may be deemed to have refused to submit to testing.
- A driver who has positive results from a test for alcohol or controlled substances must submit to retesting and test negative prior to resuming driving responsibilities.
- A driver who has positive results from a test for alcohol or controlled substances and who is identified by a substance abuse professional as needing assistance in resolving problems with alcohol abuse or controlled substances must submit to a minimum of six follow-up tests within the first twelve months following return to duty.
Testing Procedures
Testing procedures at UNL will comply in every respect with DOT requirements. Careful attention will be given to ensuring the integrity of the process, with a high priority placed on the confidentiality of the employee.
- For controlled substances: Collection sites will be designated by UNL. Sites will have all necessary equipment and supervision to provide for the completion of split samples, security, temporary storage, and shipping of the specimens to a drug testing laboratory certified by the Department of Health and Human Services. The split sample method of collection will be used. Collection of the urine samples will allow privacy unless there is reason to believe that a particular employee may alter or substitute the specimen. Test results will be sent to UNL in a manner that will protect the confidentiality of the employee.
- For alcohol: Testing sites will be designated by UNL, where tests will be conducted by a certified Breath Alcohol Technician. After the employee provides an adequate amount of breath for testing, the results will be attached to and recorded on the breath alcohol test form and shown to the employee. The form will then be signed by both the technician and the employee. If the result is negative, no further testing will be required and the results will be transmitted to UNL in a confidential manner. If the result is positive, a confirmation test will be performed. Results of the confirmation test will then be attached to and recorded on test forms. Forms will be signed by both the technician and the employee and will then be sent to UNL in a manner that protects the confidentiality of the employee.
- Blood alcohol testing is authorized only: 1) when a post-accident or reasonable suspicion test is required and an evidential breath testing device is not readily available; 2) when a post-accident or reasonable suspicion test is required and an evidential breath testing device suitable for confirmation testing is not readily available; or 3) when the covered employee attempts and fails to provide an adequate amount of breath.
Driver Refusal to Submit to Testing
- Drivers who refuse to submit to testing or otherwise fail to cooperate in the testing for alcohol and/or controlled substances will be subject to corrective action up to and including dismissal.
Positive Test Results
- Drivers who have a positive result from an alcohol and/or a controlled substance test will be subject to corrective action up to and including dismissal.
- Drivers who have a positive result from an alcohol and/or a controlled substance test must be referred to UNL's Employee Assistance Program. Drivers must complete any treatment recommended by the EAP, subsequently test negative for alcohol and/or controlled substances, and submit to follow-up testing.
- Referral to EAP does not necessarily mean that the driver will retain the position. The supervisor, working with the Department of Human Resources, will determine appropriate corrective action.
Other Requirements
Drivers may not perform driving responsibilities if they:
- report or return to work within four hours after using alcohol
- use or possess alcohol on the job, including during breaks and/or lunch
- have a positive result from a test for alcohol use alcohol during the eight hours following an accident if their involvement has not been discounted as a contributing factor in the accident or until they are tested, whichever occurs first
- report for duty or remain on duty after using or while using any controlled substance (except when the use is pursuant to the instructions of a physician who has advised the driver that the substance does not adversely affect the driver's ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle; drivers should inform supervisors of any therapeutic drug use)
- have a positive result from a test for controlled substances
- refuse to submit to or fail to otherwise cooperate in a test for alcohol or controlled substances as requested
A driver who engages in any conduct described above may not operate a UNL commercial vehicle. The driver will be subject to corrective action up to and including dismissal.
Vehicle Driver Responsibilities
- Drivers are responsible for inspecting vehicles prior to leaving the place where the vehicle is primarily based or garaged using the University Pre-trip Inspection Form. Once the driver leaves the facility with the vehicle, any damages found are the responsibility of the drivers department.
- Drivers will not operate a vehicle that the driver suspects is not operating properly. The driver will park the vehicle and make appropriate arrangements so that the vehicle can be serviced, otherwise operated safely, or towed.
- Drivers must only transport the number of persons for which there are seatbelts in the vehicle. The driver must make certain that all persons in the vehicle wear their seatbelts.
- Drivers must observe all traffic regulations. Drivers are personally responsible for any traffic citations (tickets) that may be issued as a result of operating a University vehicle.
- Drivers must take appropriate precautions when driving conditions are hazardous. (This includes but is not limited to dust storms, fog, heavy rain, snow, or ice conditions). This includes allowing enough time for travel.
- Drivers are responsible for taking appropriate measures to secure and safeguard the vehicle until it is returned to the designated location at the University or the rental company. In cases where a private rental vehicle is used, the driver is responsible for complying with all rules and regulations associated with the private rental contract.
- Drivers operating vehicles on campus should follow the University Vehicle Management policy.
Distracted Driving
Creating, sending, reviewing text messages or e-mail, accessing the internet for any purpose, electronic gaming and reading any printed materials on an electronic device or in paper form are not permitted while operating a University motor vehicle on University business. Drivers must find a safe location to pull over and stop before attempting these actions.
As provided in Nebraska state law, the prohibition does not apply to:
- A person performing his or her official duties as a law enforcement officer, a firefighter, an ambulance driver, or an emergency medical technician; or
- A person operating a motor vehicle in an emergency situation.
Failure to comply with this policy will result in an immediate removal of the driver’s authorization to drive a University motor vehicle (for a minimum of 12 months) and may subject the driver to other potential disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment.
In order to have driving authorization reinstated for violating this policy, the faculty/staff/student must have an acceptable driving record, and at the drivers’ expense, demonstrate completion of the National Traffic Safety Institute Distracted Driver Online Course. Proof of course completion must be provided to University Fleet Management along with an up-to-date annual Drivers’ Agreement
A copy of the Nebraska statute 60-6,179.01 can be accessed here.
Out of State Travel and Travel Authorization
A University of Nebraska vehicle may be used for out of state travel if the department head determines it is more economical than public transportation. The USBank Voyager credit card is valid at most service stations throughout the United States. Merchants accepting the USBank Voyager credit card can be located at the following link. https://www.fleetcommanderonline.com/app/public/merchantLocator.do
Requests for USBank Voyager credit cards should be submitted to fleet@unl.edu or autorental@unl.edu
All University policies pertaining to vehicle travel are applicable when traveling in other states.
Out of State Travel Pre-Trip Authorization must be obtained via Firefly.
The new University of Nebraska Travel Policy is effective September 24, 2018. The full travel policy can be viewed here. If you have questions, please contact us at traveloffice@nebraska.edu or 402 554-3456.
Automotive Insurance and Vehicle Accident Reporting
Except in instances where the cost of damage repair to a University vehicle is covered by an insurance settlement or by prompt payments received from the person(s) responsible for damage, department responsibility for damage (per incident) will be limited to the following, effective for accident damage after July 1, 2017. Departments are responsible for the entire cost of repair for vehicles owned by the department, unless *physical damage insurance has been previously obtained. In cases where extensive damage to a rental vehicle is the result of clear abuse or carelessness during the rental period, the department will be billed more than the normal maximum. Replacement vehicles will be charged to the responsible department at the daily rental rate
Fleet Management Rental Vehicle JULY 1, 2017 ONWARDS | fleet management rental vehicle PRIOR TO JULY 1, 2017 | DEPARTMENT OWNED WITH PHYSICAL DAMAGE INSURANCE | |
Windshield repair | $0 | $0 | Cost of repair |
Windshield replacement | $100 | $100 | $500 |
Comprehensive damage (weather, animal strike, road debris, etc.) | $400 | $400 | $500 |
Dual fault crash on roadway | $400 | $400 | $500 |
Striking stationary object (parked vehicle, pole, gate, etc.)* | $850, first case each fiscal year, amount increases by $200 each case thereafter | $400 | $500 |
Crash or damage not reported | $850, first case each fiscal year, amount increases by $200 each case thereafter | $400 | $500 |
Reportable damage is defined as “minor”, “moderate”, or “severe”. Minor damage typically means scratches, scrapes or dings. Moderate damage usually means large dents in the hood, fender or door. Severe damage is very heavy damage, including broken axles, bent or twisted frames. Minor damage will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine if a report is necessary.

Minor Damage

Minor Damage

Moderate Damage

Severe Damage
Departments renting vehicles from University Fleet Management are responsible for the entire cost of repair or replacement for intentional vehicle abuse or misuse.
Pre-authorization is required for all body repair or glass replacement.
Passengers who are not University of Nebraska employees are afforded no protection under the policy and ride at their own risk. Insurance for student field trips is available for a nominal fee from the Human Resources Office of Risk Management and is required on all course field trips.
The driver involved in an accident should report the accident to the department head and local police or if, on campus, to University Police Lincoln (402) 472-2222; Omaha (402) 554-2911; Medical Center (402) 559-5555; Kearney (308) 865-8911 immediately as they can render assistance and officially inspect the scene of the accident.
When involved in an accident:
- Stop immediately.
- Take steps to prevent another accident at the scene.
- If injury has occurred, call 911 for emergency assistance.
- Notify Police.
- DO NOT sign any paper or make any statement as to who was at fault (except later to your supervisor).
- Get name and address of each witness.
- State your name, address, place of employment, name of your supervisor, and upon request show your operator's license, vehicle registration, and insurance card.
- Secure the following information:
- Registration information for other vehicle(s) (owner's name, license plate number, expiration date and state, vehicle serial number)
- Information on other driver(s) (name, address, operator's license number and expiration date)
- Name and address of the company insuring other vehicle(s)
- Name and address of each person involved and extent of injury, if any;
- General information such as location, time, road condition, weather, property damage and estimated damage to other vehicles.
- Notify your department head immediately.
- If the vehicle is unsafe to operate, after contacting University Fleet Management, have it towed to the nearest garage or service station. After hours call (402)-472-1550 for connection with the proper individual.
- Submit a University of Nebraska accident report to University Fleet Management fleet@unl.edu. See Forms section.
In Nebraska accidents involving injury or damage in excess of $1,500.00, and not investigated by a law enforcement officer, must be reported to the State Accident Records Bureau, Department of Transportation - Box 94669, Lincoln NE 68509-4669 on the accident report form provided by the State Patrol, Sheriff or local police, or available online at http://dot.nebraska.gov/media/4763/ndot41.pdf. Note that depending on various situations, law enforcement may not be available to investigate accidents and may recommend taking pictures and exchanging driver/vehicle information. When involved in accidents outside the State of Nebraska, drivers must comply with reporting requirements for the jurisdiction where the accident occurred.
Please do not sign any papers or make any statements concerning responsibility for blame since any admission may impair Risk Managements ability to defend a case of questionable legal liability. Do not accept calls or other communication from insurance companies. Refer them to University Risk Management. Appropriate legal authority will decide fault or liability. Please complete forms and comply with instructions.
Use of Personal Vehicles
Any individual who drives his or her personal vehicle to a University activity or on University business is responsible for the safety of himself/herself as well as all passengers. The University bears no responsibility and is not liable for the operation or operating condition of personal vehicles and expects such drivers to comply with state law requirements regarding insurance coverage and to carry appropriate automobile liability insurance. All costs, including fuel, maintenance, or damage, which may occur while on University business is the responsibility of the owner of the personal vehicle. The authorized driver policy applies to any individual driving on official University business.
Information concerning expense reimbursement for use of personal vehicles for University business is available here.
Private Rental Agency Vehicles
Vehicle Rental Within Lincoln
All drivers renting vehicles in Lincoln on behalf of the University or its student organizations shall obtain the rental vehicle through University Fleet Management.
(In the event of an accident, departments not renting vehicles through University Fleet Management will be subject to the entire cost of vehicle repair or replacement.)
Vehicle Rental Outside of Lincoln
All drivers renting vehicles outside the Lincoln area on behalf of the University or its student organizations shall obtain the rental vehicle from a University preferred rental provider (National Car Rental or Enterprise rent-a-car) through Concur. Approved drivers should rent the vehicles in their name, stating they are associated with the University of Nebraska (University identification is requested) and the approved driver as the named driver. Under no conditions should the approved driver allow another person to operate the rental vehicle, unless they are authorized by University Fleet Management.
Private rentals through National or Enterprise rent-a-car have the SLP (Supplemental Liability Protection) and CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) built into the rental rate. When not utilizing the Big Ten contract with National/Enterprise Rent-a-Car, drivers should accept the SLP. The SLP provides coverage for the other parties’ property or vehicle in the event the University is found responsible. Refer to Private Rental Vehicle Insurance to determine insurance requirements. The University self-insured automotive policy provides coverage beyond the coverage afforded by the SLP, and provides comprehensive damage coverage for private rental vehicles with a $500 deductible. The CDW should be accepted only when the vehicle will be operated on unimproved roads or the vehicle will be rented for one month or more. Decline all other insurance offerings from the rental car company.
*Departments not utilizing the Big Ten contract are subject to a $500 deductible if the vehicle is damaged while on assignment to the department.
University of Nebraska - Preferred Big Ten Rental Car Provider
Enterprise & National Car Rental
Private Rental Vehicle Insurance
When renting vehicles from National or Enterprise Car Rental decline all insurance offerings, as the rates under this contract include SLP & CDW.
When renting a private rental vehicle for University business from other rental car agencies, it is recommended drivers accept the SLP (Supplemental Liability Protection). The CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) should be accepted only when the vehicle will be operated on unimproved roads or the vehicle will be rented for one month or more. All other insurance offerings provided by rental car companies should be declined. When traveling internationally, always accept CDW, SLP, and any other insurance offerings as required by local laws. Student organizations should always accept the SLP.
The following table should be used to determine what coverage the renter should select when renting private rental vehicles from agencies other than National or Enterprise Car Rental. Note that National and Enterprise Car Rental are the preferred car rental agencies, and other car rental agencies should be used only when National/Enterprise is not available.
Type of Trip | Rental Period | Distance | SLP (Supplemental Liability Protection) | CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) | National or Enterprise Rental Car Insurance Offerings |
Local travel at destination city | Daily | 50 – 100 Miles per day | Recommended | Decline | Decline All |
Local travel at destination city | One month or more | 50 – 100 Miles per day | Recommended | Accept | Decline All |
Interstate Highway | Daily | 50 – 300 Miles per day | Recommended | Decline | Decline All |
All situations | One month or more | All Distances | Recommended | Accept | Decline All |
Unimproved Highways or Non-paved Roads | All times | All Distances | Recommended | Accept | Decline All |
International Travel including Canada | All times | All Distances | Accept | Accept | Check before travel, generally drivers are advised to accept CDW and SLP when traveling outside the United States. |
Within the United States, all recognized student organizations or non-UNL employee | All times | All Distances | Accept | Accept | Decline All |
Personal accident insurance and personal effects protection insurance are NEVER reimbursable. For additional questions, please contact University Fleet Management at 402-472-2659.
University owned vehicles are not to be driven into or operated in Mexico.
Rental agency vehicles may be taken into Mexico only if prior arrangements have been made, additional insurance has been purchased for travels in Mexico, and the private rental company has approved their vehicle for travel in Mexico.
Note: Private rental vehicles rented in the university’s name or donated for university business, with supplemental liability protection, and the collision damage waiver are allowed to transport non-university passengers.
Reason for Policy
The safety of University students, faculty, staff, and the public is a central concern of this University. This policy, which governs the use of motor vehicles used on official University of Nebraska business by students, faculty and staff, is designed to support safe, prudent use of vehicles.
Additional Contacts
UNL Police Department - Accident Reporting
University Fleet Management - General Questions or Concerns
- Annual Driver's Agreement
- New Driver Authorization
- State of Nebraska Motor Vehicle Accident Report
- Student Field Trip Insurance Request [login required]
- UNL Accident Report
- UNK Accident Report
- UNO Accident Report
- UNMC Accident Report
Related Information
- Nebraska Statute 60-6,179.01 (Use of Handheld Wireless Communication Device)
- Nebraska Traffic Safety Institute Distracted Driver Online Course
- Nebraska Vehicle "Point System"
- Preferred Big Ten Rental Car Provider Program Summary & Rates
- University of Nebraska Travel Policy
- USBank Voyager Acceptance Locator
- This policy was reformatted in 2020. No content edits were made.
- This policy was updated in 2023 to include "through their supervisor or department head" in the policy statement area
- This policy was updated in 2023 to include that Vehicle Rental Outside of Lincoln via Enterprise/National car rental reservations are now being booked through Concur (Travel Office)