Effective: Sep 18, 2020
Last Revised: Sep 18, 2020
Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance
Responsible University Office: Facilities Planning & Construction
Policy Contact: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance
This Policy applies to all University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) buildings, facilities, grounds, and spaces owned or controlled by the University and extends to members of the academic community, including guests of the University, and members of the general public lawfully present on University premises. Facilities Planning and Construction is responsible for the application of this policy, with oversight from the offices of the Vice Chancellors for Business and Finance and Diversity and Inclusion and the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual Identities.
Policy Statement
This policy is intended for gender-inclusive restrooms on the UNL campuses. University resources and its land and buildings are to be applied first and foremost to its mission of teaching, research and public service, and therefore, such University properties are primarily dedicated to this mission, which encompasses all academic activities, student life, intercollegiate athletics, and the administrative functions that support this mission. These properties are not generally open and available to the public—they are provided to and by the University, in order that it might carry out its educational charge.
Reason for Policy
The university is committed to providing appropriate restroom access to members of the UNL community and public when attending events, classes, programs, or visiting the campus. In order to provide appropriate restroom access, providing gender-inclusive as well as gendered restrooms is an important accommodation to allow campus and community members on campus to appropriate restroom access, based on identities, abilities, and needs. The following procedures will be followed in order to implement this policy.
When a new building project is started it must follow university policy that requires gender-inclusive restrooms to be included in the construction. Buildings with three or more floors should include multiple gender-inclusive restrooms when possible. Facilities Planning and Construction will work with project leads to determine feasibility.
When buildings are undergoing significant renovations (defined as those requiring Board of Regents approval), the ability to include gender-inclusive restrooms will be explored and included in the renovations when possible. Facilities Planning and Construction will work with project leads to determine feasibility
The language for gender-inclusive restrooms (also referred to as gender-neutral and all gender) will shift to using the term restroom, which will happen in stages. New signage has been developed that will use the term restroom (in English and in braille).
Symbols used on the signage will be a toilet (rather than figures). A baby graphic will indicate the presence of a baby changing station, and a wheelchair symbol will indicate accessibility. The symbol to be used for gender-inclusive changing facilities will be a showerhead. All signage should include: “This restroom may be used by all persons of any gender identity.”

Requests for converting a current gendered restroom can be made by completing the Construction, Code Review & Building Signage Estimate Request located on the NU FP&CP website: http://operations.unl.edu/request-estimate.
Additional Contacts
Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual Identities - General Questions
Related Information
- Service Estimate Request
- Gender Inclusive Restrooms Map
- Gender inclusive restrooms can be found in the Nebraska (UNL) App by clicking on maps and then an individual building.
- This policy was created and implemented in September 2020.
- In March 2022, a map was added to the related information section to identify where these restrooms are located on campus.