Report a Concern
There are various avenues that any member of the university community can report a concern, crime, or even an active of kindness, that has occurred on or off campus. Anonymous reporting is also available through either of these methods.
Campus Maps
Campus maps are available to help the university community navigate various locations and services on located on City Campus, East Campus, and Innovation Campus.
Pay Student Bill
Husker Hub provides assistance with the FAFSA Form, scholarships, grants, student/parent loans, enrollment verification, student bills and more, including support and services for the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, University Registrar, Student Accounts and Bursar’s Office.
The NCard is UNL’s permanent University of Nebraska-Lincoln photo identification card. It is valid as long as you are affiliated with the University. The NCard system is campus-wide and is used by campus departments and offices for identification, authentication and access.
Severe Weather
Severe weather is common in Nebraska and it's important to know the available campus preparedness and recovery resources.
HR Resources
UNL Human Resources empower employee success through HR leadership, partnerships, and services. Some of the most frequently asked about HR services and resources are linked below.
Vehicle Rental
Fleet Management provides vehicles to faculty and staff for University business and maintains and repairs vehicles owned by the University of Nebraska.
UNL’s Passport office is a recognized Passport Acceptance Facility in the state of Nebraska, accepting passport applications on behalf of the U.S. Department of State.
Print and Mail Services
Order department branded envelopes, letterhead, business cards, nametags, promotional products, and other printed materials through UNL Print Services. They also provide copying services on campus at their 1700 Y location.