Effective: May 09, 2022
Last Revised: Mar 21, 2023
Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance
Responsible University Office: Office of Sustainability
Policy Contact: Office of Sustainability
Policy Contents
This policy applies to all University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) buildings that are designated as state-funded (or receive state funding) and extends to UNL community members, including faculty, staff, students, and visitors of the University.
Policy Statement
The All in the Hall recycling program supports UNL’s sustainability goals through the creation of a comprehensive recycling program that provides a convenient, reliable, and consistent opportunity for UNLcommunity members to recycle within campus buildings. The All in the Hall recycling program includes two primary objectives of standardizing containers and aligning collection processes:
- Container Standardization - Create consistency in physical containers used on campus with streamlined graphics aligned with Recycle Across America color standards and shape-restrictive openings that clarify accepted materials. Containers are placed “All in the Hall” in centralized, high-traffic areas such as in hallways near restrooms and building entrances.
- Process Alignment - Replace locally coordinated recycling collection processes with regular service of all centralized waste containers (landfill and recycling streams) by UNL Custodial Services. In buildings participating in the program, Custodial Services does not provide landfill waste collection in private officespaces. Building occupants are expected to take ownership of their personal waste by transporting both landfill and recycling materials to the centralized waste stations.
Reason for Policy
UNL adopted its Environment, Sustainability, and Resilience Master Plan in 2020, which provides strategic vision related to environment, sustainability, and resilience topics at UNL and serves as framework for change. The plan identifies aspirational goals and associated long- and short-term objectives across ten themes, one of which is waste management. The waste management theme outlines the aspirational goal of creating a “culture that strives for zero-waste and materials management through a circular economy” at UNL. This includes objectives to reduce waste by 50% per capita and become a zero-waste campus, which is typically defined as 90% or more landfill waste diversion.
The holistic approach of the All in the Hall recycling program engages the entire UNL community by promoting a sense of personal responsibility in solving community issues, emphasizing the tenet that every person and every interaction matters. Creating an environment where recycling is the easy choice encourages the progression of positive recycling behaviors into habits and aids in creating a more resilient campus. Based on experiences during the Recycling Pilot Project, which the All in the Hall program is based on the success of, it is expected that broad implementation of the program will yield a decrease in landfill waste produced on campus and an increase in clean, correctly recycled materials.
Diverting solid waste away from Nebraska landfills directly benefits UNL by reducing spending toward landfill tipping fees. This effort also allows UNL to contribute to the local economy and support the growth of markets for recyclables by producing cleaner recyclables with higher value.
Through the All in the Hall program, standardized waste stations are placed throughout campus buildings in high-traffic, centralized locations. All waste items deposited within the stations, including landfill and recycling materials, are emptied regularly by Custodial Services staff. In buildings participating in the program, Custodial Services does not provide landfill waste collection in private office spaces and UNL community members are asked to monitor the waste they individually produce on campus and transport items to the nearest conveniently located, centralized station.
The current list of buildings participating in the All in the Hall program can be found via the program webpage: https://sustainability.unl.edu/all-hall-recycling-program.
The program began phased implementation in October 2022, which will continue until the program is fully implemented within all state-funded buildings.
Landfill - Modern landfills are well-engineered and managed facilities for the disposal of solid waste.Landfills are located, designed, operated, and monitored to ensure compliance with federal regulations. They are also designed to protect the environment from contaminants, which may be present in the waste stream. Landfills cannot be built in environmentally-sensitive areas, and they are placed using on-site environmental monitoring systems. Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (MSWLFs) are specifically designed to receive household waste, as well as other types of nonhazardous wastes. (United States Environmental Protection Agency, https://www.epa.gov/landfills/basic-information-about-landfills)
Recycle Across America - Recycle Across America(R); (RAA) and Recycle Across the World(R); (RAW) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to expediting environmental progress by creating the world's first and only society-wide standardized labeling system for recycling bins to make it easier for people to begin to recycle right, wherever they might be. (Recycle Across America, https://www.recycleacrossamerica.org/the-solution-about-us)
Resilience - The ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse events. (National Research Council, 2012)
Sustainability - The effective, efficient, economic, equitable, and environmentally/ socially responsible use of resources to meet our needs that considers the long-term implications of our choices today on the future of Earth’s life support systems and the impact that this use has on all stakeholders involved. (UNL Sustainability Initiative Team, August 2019)
Tipping Fee - A Tipping Fee or a gate fee is a fee paid by anyone who disposes of waste in a Landfill. Usually this fee is based on the weight of waste per ton. (Busch Systems, https://www.buschsystems.com/resource-center/knowledgeBase/glossary/what-is-a-tipping-fee)
Zero Waste and Materials Management - The concept of zero waste is a goal, and a set of procedures, business practices, and behaviors designed to maximize reuse, recycling, and composting opportunities, minimize waste, and reduce consumption with the goal of diverting 90% or more of the materials created from the landfill. Management also includes choosing products that are designed for durability and a long life, products that have the potential for continued use and re-use, products that are environmentally friendly, and products that can be recycled at the end of their useful life. (UNL Environment, Sustainability, and Resilience Master Plan, 2020)
Related Information
- All in the Hall Website
- Pilot program aims at realigning recycling university-wide
- Recycling processes updated across eight campus buildings
- New recycling program rolls out across campus
- All in the Hall rollout promotes sustainability campuswide
- Environmental Sustainability and Resilience Master Plan