Effective: Dec 09, 2021
Last Revised: Dec 09, 2021
Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance
Responsible University Office: Athletics
Policy Contact: Nebraska Athletics Ticket Office
Policy Contents
These guidelines apply to all University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty and staff applying for athletic season tickets.
Policy Statement
Faculty/staff seating requests will be evaluated based on the applicants’ job title and pay grade and available seating. Renewal of Faculty/Staff season tickets is offered to Faculty/Staff season ticket holders from the previous year; employment status must be unchanged to retain tickets at the Faculty/Staff discounted rate. The purchase of season tickets is a privilege that may be canceled by the University, even after acceptance of payment.
Retired employees can maintain the same seats they held during employment; however, tickets must have been purchased for 10 consecutive years prior to retiring to retain them.
Surviving spouse of current/retired employees will retain purchase privileges for a period of 5 years, and be assigned the same seats as were held by the employee.
Part-time employees will be offered the opportunity to purchase 2 tickets at full-rate if the allotment of tickets is not sold out to full-time employees. They will be assigned the lowest level of priority for seating purposes.
Reason for Policy
These guidelines are meant to guide the allocation of athletic season tickets among faculty/staff.
- These guidelines were updated in December 2021 to reflect current Nebraska Athletics Ticket Office practices.