Last Revised: Dec 10, 2020
Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance
Responsible University Office: Business & Finance
Policy Contact: Carrie Jackson
Policy Contents
This policy applies to all property owned and operated by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL).
Policy Statement
It is the policy of the UNL to prohibit defacement of university property, including both interior and exterior surfaces. This includes prohibiting the display of messages and symbols through the use of chalk, paint, and other permanent or temporary substances on sidewalks, plazas, windows, doors, walls, sculptures, benches, and other surfaces.
The following Designated Public Forum spaces are the only areas where chalking is permitted on campus with proper approval:
Nebraska Union Memorial Plaza (City Campus)

Nebraska East Union Legacy Plaza (East Campus)

Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) wishing to chalk on one of the designated areas to advertise an upcoming activity must comply with the following guidelines:
- A Recognized Student Organization (RSO) must complete an Event Planning Registration (EPR) with Student Involvement (Rm 200) and all chalking must be reserved and approved through Nebraska Union Reservations Office (Rm 200).
- Chalking is allowed only on Monday and Tuesday the week of the reservation.
- RSO’s are only allowed to schedule chalking a maximum of two weeks per semester
- The person who makes the chalking reservation for the RSO must be present and have a copy of the approved EPR when the chalking is being completed to insure compliance.
- Only water-soluble chalk (sidewalk chalk) is allowed. The use of markers, paints, oil-based products, or sprayable chalk is prohibited and will be removed immediately at the group’s expense.
- Any RSO chalking on unauthorized locations, during an unapproved day, using incorrect chalking substance, or applying any message or drawing containing profanity, obscenity, or is viewed as inappropriate or not consistent with the mission of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will have all messages removed immediately at the group’s expense.
- Chalking can only occur on flat/horizontal ground surfaces. If chalking occurs on any vertical surface, walls, rocks, trees, buildings, benches, seating, tables, steps, light poles, signs, or underneath any coverings where chalk would not be washed away by the rainfall, etc. a cleaning fee will be charged. On City Campus, the same is true if chalking occurs near the entrance (under the Arcade), on the steps to the building or the area along the fountain where people sit.
- The sponsoring RSO must be clearly identified by their complete names, not just acronyms or Greek letters throughout the chalking design.
Reason for Policy
This policy is created to govern to usage of chalk on property owned and operated by UNL.
Additional Contacts
Union Reservations - Space/Event Reservations
Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement - Planning
Related Information
- This policy was reformatted in 2020 and updated to include a designated chalking area on East Campus.