Football Game Day Stadium Halo

Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance

Responsible University Office: Business & Finance

Policy Contact: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance


This policy applies to those wishing to sell merchandise and/or distribute informational or promotional material at all Nebraska football games on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) campus.

Policy Statement

Stadium Halo Boundary

The "Stadium Halo" boundary is determined jointly by the UNL Athletic Director and the Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance and is revised periodically to meet campus needs. Click here for a diagram of the current Stadium Halo boundary

Sale of Merchandise

Sale of any merchandise, food, and beverages or resale of any athletic tickets for commercial purposes as provided below on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) campus within the boundaries outlined on the Stadium Halo Map (Appendix I), from 12:00 noon the day prior to game day through 12:00 noon on the day following game day, is expressly prohibited unless prior approval has been received by the UNL Athletic Department. Resale of any athletic ticket for commercial purposes is conclusively established by any one of the following: a) sale over the face price of the ticket, b) turnover purchase and subsequent resale of the same ticket, or c) other circumstances reasonably establishing an intent to profit from the resale of any athletic ticket including the sale of ten or more tickets within the prohibited times.

Currently Student Involvement, Huskers Authentic and the University Bookstore have been authorized to sell merchandise at the locations identified on the map.

Distribution of Materials Outside of Memorial Stadium

Subject to the restrictions outlined below, distribution of informational materials, such as political campaign materials, materials soliciting charitable contributions, commercial materials, or any form of promotional materials shall be permitted on the UNL campus on game day within the boundaries outlined on the Stadium Halo Map, except such materials may not be distributed inside of Memorial Stadium.

  • Distribution of material that is competitive with authorized sales by student groups or other approved University units is prohibited. Distribution of material that is in violation of the University's and/or Athletic Department's exclusive licensing or sponsorship agreements is prohibited.
  • Distribution of such materials shall be conducted in a non-disruptive manner so as to (i) not interfere with the flow of pedestrian traffic either within or in and out of Memorial Stadium, and (ii) minimize litter. Distribution methods that are potentially dangerous or disruptive to spectators in Memorial Stadium, such as, but not limited to, miniature plastic footballs or other objects made of a hard substance, are prohibited. Distribution methods including any type of stickers are prohibited. Persons distributing materials that interfere with pedestrian traffic within or ingress to or egress from the stadium may be directed to move to another location.
  • No tables, chairs, structures or other wheeled or stationary carts or similar equipment may be used in support of the distribution efforts.

Fundraising at Nebraska Athletic Facilities

No unauthorized fundraising is permitted inside or outside Athletics facilities before, during, or after an athletic event with the following exceptions: (a) the American Red Cross is permitted to solicit financial contributions inside Memorial Stadium during one (1) home football game per football season and inside the Bob Devaney Sports Center during one (1) women's volleyball match per season in exchange for providing first aid services at all home football and women's volleyball games, and (b) other groups closely associated with the mission and purpose of the Athletic Department and/or the University may occasionally be allowed to solicit funds with the approval of the Athletics Director.

Reason for Policy

This policy is meant to govern the sale of merchandise and distribution of informational or promotional materials on the UNL campus.


Permission to sell merchandise in the "Stadium Halo" on football game days must be submitted 14 days in advance of the game day and approved by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Athletic Licensing Department, One Memorial Stadium, Lincoln, NE 68588-0154, (402) 472-9446.

Individuals who want to assure that their intended distributions are in compliance with this policy should contact the Office of the University of Nebraska Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance, 307 Canfield Administration Building, Lincoln, NE 68588-0425, (402) 472-4455 or the Athletic Licensing Department, One Memorial Stadium, Lincoln, NE 68588-0154 (402)-472-9446.

Additional Contacts

UNL Athletic Licensing Department - Approval 


Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance - Questions 



  • This policy was reformatted in 2020. No content edits were made.