Inclement Weather

Last Revised: Dec 20, 2021

Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance

Responsible University Office: Business & Finance

Policy Contact: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance


Effective January 3, 2022, this policy applies to all University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) faculty, staff, students, and visitors who work at the Lincoln campus. Those at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) campus should monitor local weather conditions in Omaha. IANR locations not in Lincoln should follow the IANR Operating Policy Inclement Weather Closedown Policy

Policy Statement

The decision to close the University of Nebraska–Lincoln campus or implement a delayed opening or early closure shall be made by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor for Business & Finance. This may be based on safety or security concerns including inclement weather and could consider local and regional conditions and forecasts, local and regional travel conditions, advisories, campus conditions, and available campus resources. In the absence of a specific announcement to the contrary, it should be understood that classes and other functions will continue as scheduled.

Campus Closing Options

Option #1 – All Classes and Campus Events are Canceled; Campus Offices Closed; Essential Employees Report to Work; Non-Essential Employees Work Remotely or Do Not Work Based on Unit Approval

All classes and events are canceled and all offices and clinics are closed at UNL. Only those individuals required to report during closedowns should report to their work location. Some operations, such as student services, sporting events or performances, and intercampus transportation may or may not be affected by this announcement. See 'More Information on Winter Weather Closedowns.'

Essential Employees

Selected positions have been identified as essential to provide for the safety and well-being of the campus community during UNL closings. Employees are made aware of this designation at the time of hiring or reassignment to a position that is considered essential during a closing.

Non-essential Employees

Employees whose positions are not identified as essential during a closing should not report to their physical work location and should work remotely or not work, as directed by their supervisor.

For information regarding pay and leave provisions for UNL employees please see: NU Inclement Weather Closure Pay Policy

Option #2 – In-Person Classes and Campus Events are Canceled; Classes Follow Instructional Continuity Plans; Campus Offices Closed; Essential Employees Report to Work; Non-Essential Employees Work Remotely or Do Not Work Based on Unit Approval.

In-person classes and events are canceled and all offices and clinics are closed at UNL. Students should check for communications from their instructors for instructional continuity plans. Only those individuals required to report during closedowns should report to their work location. Some operations, such as student services, sporting events or performances, and intercampus transportation may or may not be affected by this announcement. See 'More Information on Winter Weather Closedowns.'

Essential Employees

Selected positions have been identified as essential to provide for the safety and well-being of the campus community during UNL closings. Employees are made aware of this designation at the time of hiring or reassignment to a position that is considered essential during a closing.

Non-essential Employees

Employees whose positions are not identified as essential during a closing should not report to their physical work location and should work remotely or not work, as directed by their supervisor.

For information regarding pay and leave provisions for UNL employees please see: NU Inclement Weather Closure Pay Policy

Option #3 – Classes and Campus Operations Conducted as Usual.

"The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is open and all activities will be conducted as usual." Although the University is open during periods of adverse conditions, supervisors and department chairs may alter work schedules to make allowances for unique travel problems. This means employees must still account for their normal workday by working or taking vacation leave.

In the absence of a specific announcement to the contrary, it should be understood that classes and other functions will continue as scheduled.

Reason for Policy

Winter storms are not uncommon in Nebraska. Severe cold weather conditions can occur without much warning. Storms may be somewhat unpredictable as to their severity, exact affected area and times they begin or worsen. Whenever possible, the University continues to function during inclement weather. Regularly scheduled classes meet to the extent that students and faculty are able to travel to campus and attend classes. During these winter months, all students, faculty and staff are urged to use caution and personal judgment in their travels to and from campus and to dress appropriately for protection against cold temperatures and wind chills. 


If classes are to be canceled or offices closed, University Communication will notify local radio and television stations and will place messages on UNL’s homepage and on social networks. University Police will issue an UNLAlert message. Every effort will be made to have closedown information announced publicly by 6:00 a.m. for day classes and campus operations and by 2:00 p.m. for night classes and campus operations.

With supervisor permission, employees who are not able to safely drive to work may request vacation leave or leave without pay.

Additional Contacts

University Communications - Questions/Further Information 


Human Resources - Leave/Compensation 



  • This policy was reformatted in 2020. No content edits were made.
  • 2-3-2021 - 'Delayed opening or early closure' language added to Policy Statement for clarification.
  • 12-20-2021 - Updates made to reflect changes in each closing option to include instructions for both essential and non-essential employees and to incorporate newly established Instructional Continuity Plans.