Last Revised: Friday, October 1, 2004
Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance
Responsible University Office: Business & Finance
Policy Contact: Mail & Distribution Services
Policy Contents
This policy applies to all interagency mail between State of Nebraska agencies.
Policy Statement
The State of Nebraska Mail center has adopted the following guidelines for all State of Nebraska interagency mail.
All interagency mail must include the following:
- Complete return address with the name of person sending the article.
- All incoming addresses must be completed as directed.
- First & last name of receiving person.
- Name of agency without abbreviations (Ex: Dept. Of Revenue-not DOR)
- Building of agency (Ex: NSOB, Capitol, Executive, 501 Building) or physical location to include address. NO Postal Service (PO Box) numbers
- The term “ Interagency Mail” must be marked in red.
Jane Smith
301 Canfield Admin Building
Joe Doe
Department of Revenue
Capital, Room 100
Interagency Mail
If interagency mail is improperly addressed, mail will be returned to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Mail and Distribution Services. An attempt will be made by UNL Mail and Distribution Services to return the mail to the originating department.
If the item does not have a return address, the item will be opened by UNL Mail and Distribution Services only to determine who sent the mail so that it can be redirected back to the originating department. If the sending department/individual can not be identified, the mail will be retained by Mailing Services for 90 days before disposal.
Reason for Policy
This policy is intended to enhance the security of all State of Nebraska interagency mail.
- This policy was reformatted in 2020. No content edits were made.