Effective: Jul 01, 2018
Last Revised: Jul 01, 2018
Responsible University Administrator: Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance
Responsible University Office: Fleet Management
Policy Contact: Scott Ensor
Policy Contents
This policy is applicable to the drivers of all University owned and leased, rented or donated vehicles which are leased or rented in the University's name or used in the course and scope of University business regardless of lessee/renter.
Policy Statement
Comprehensive maintenance and repair expense records are required for all University licensed vehicles (including owned or leased or donated vehicles). All vehicle repairs are to be performed at University Fleet Management or designated service provider. Vehicle repairs performed at University Fleet Management, or charged to the vehicle’s Voyager credit card, or payments processed through University Fleet Management are automatically recorded in the University Fleet Management system. All payments for work performed by contractual vendors must be processed by University Fleet Management. Vehicle maintenance and repairs (including installation of special equipment or accessories) performed by department staff with payment for parts or equipment processed by the responsible department are to be entered here.
Maintenance and/or repairs estimated to cost more than $100.00 require pre-approval from University Fleet Management by calling (402) 472-7937, after hours call (402) 472-1550. Roadside assistance or maintenance and repair outside the Lincoln area can be authorized and scheduled outside the Lincoln area by calling Wheels 844-903-0486.
Failure to secure approval for expenditures over $100.00 from the department responsible for the vehicles operating expense may result in the entire cost of repair being charged to the using department or other corrective actions.
Care, Maintenance, and Use
Each department, and in turn the driver of a University vehicle should assume the responsibility of proper care and maintenance of vehicles assigned for their use.
Department authorities should inform all operators of vehicles rented by their departments of this policy.
Oil Changes
University Fleet Management monitors and performs Oil Changes for vehicles rented on a daily basis. For vehicles rented on a monthly or annual basis the service sticker in the vehicle will indicate to a driver when service is required. Engine oil change intervals are dependent on cumulative miles and/or vehicle age or fuel type. Contact University Fleet Management for each vehicles recommended oil change interval. The following items should be completed when the vehicle oil is changed:
- Fill all fluid to proper levels.
- Tires should be inflated to proper pressures (including the spare tire).
- Lubricate front suspension joints if applicable.
- Clean and inspect the air filter.
- Check windshield wiper blades, replace if needed.
NOTE: Vehicles in the Lincoln area should have all service and repair work performed at University Fleet Management.
Vehicle Safety Inspection
The University Vehicle Safety Inspection portion of this policy is hereby established in the interest of vehicle, occupant, and highway safety and responds to:
- The NU Board of Regents General Policy - University Injury and Illness Prevention Program (RP-6.3.5).
- Nebraska Revised Statues, Chapter 60, Section 6, which generally requires motor vehicles to have operational safety features.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Association, Highway Safety Program Guideline No. 1, which requires at least annual motor vehicle inspection of systems, subsystems, and components having substantial relation to safe vehicle performance.
All University of Nebraska-Lincoln owned/leased/donated/licensed motor vehicles must undergo and pass an annual vehicle safety inspection. New current model year vehicles are not subject to this policy for 12-months following acquisition.
Vehicles in the Lincoln area are to be inspected by ASE certified technicians at University Fleet Management. Unless pre-authorized by University Fleet Management, safety inspections performed by vendors in Lincoln NE will not be accepted.
University Fleet Management maintains a service provider listing for vehicle inspection outside of the Lincoln area. Safety Inspections are to be performed by ASE certified technicians at facilities under contract to the University of Nebraska. All vehicle inspections are to be conducted and recorded in accordance with the University Vehicle Safety Inspection Form, available from University Fleet Management. Copies of completed forms are to be forwarded to and maintained by University Fleet Management. Vehicles failing the safety inspection are not to be operated until the defects are corrected and a satisfactory safety inspection is completed. Vehicles not inspected, or failing safety inspection and not taken out of service, will result in higher liability insurance assessments for the department.
Deans, Directors Department Heads/Chairs of the departments to which vehicles are registered are responsible to ensure compliance with this policy. Inspection cost will be the responsibility of the owning department.
University Fleet Management maintains a complete service and repair facility at 1931 N. Antelope Valley Parkway, Lincoln NE, call (402) 472-7937 to schedule service/maintenance/repair. All service, maintenance, and repair of University vehicles in the Lincoln area should be performed at this facility.
University Fleet Management maintains a service provider listing for vehicle repair outside the Lincoln area, please coordinate the maintenance and repair with the University Fleet Management shop to assure comprehensive use of contracted service providers, warranty, benefit of available discounts and quality repair. Please call University Fleet Management shop direct (402) 472-7937 for connection with the appropriate area for coordination and determination on whether to return the vehicle to University Fleet Management for repair or have repair completed at a contracted commercial facility.
Voyager Credit Card
Each vehicle is assigned a specific U.S. Bank Voyager Fuel Credit Card. Voyager cards are unique to each vehicle and must remain with the assigned vehicle. The Voyager card may only be used for purchases for the vehicle to which the card is assigned. Transactions are PIN verified by faculty/staff/students authorized to drive on University business. Per Board of Regents Policy personal use is prohibited and only fuel or repairs to the assigned vehicle are allowed. Purchases other than fuel or repairs related to the assigned vehicle will be labeled as misuse, charged back to the responsible department, along with an administration processing fee. Misuse of the Voyager credit card and unauthorized charges will be reported to the driver’s department head for appropriate actions, which may include the driver’s loss of Voyager card use and/or loss of authorization to drive on University business.
Allowable and Prohibited U.S. Bank Voyager Card Purchases
NOTE: Point of sale is preferred when using the Voyager Fuel Credit Card. The nationally accepted Voyager card provides fuel discounts, and federal tax exemption to the University. Vehicle fuel paid with a personal credit card may not be a reimbursable travel expense. If point of sale is not available, or it is a non-fuel transaction, it is the driver's responsibility to see that the sales slip/invoice (if applicable) is completed and signed at the time the service is performed.
Present the Voyager credit card to the vendor prior to purchases with the exception of point of sale purchases, to ensure acceptance of the card.
If point of sale is not utilized, please do not sign gasoline charge slips unless it is regular credit slip form used by the oil company represented by the vendor. Please be sure the following information is clearly shown on the charge slips:
- The vendor's name, address and name of company represented.
- The date and time of purchase, Voyager credit card number, the amount/gallons purchased and cost of each item.
Note: Never write your Voyager PIN on a charge slip/receipt, the Voyager Card or Card holder.
Please perform the following when fuel is purchased:
- Check oil level in crankcase (add oil only if level is at the "add" mark).
- Usually check tires for proper inflation. If tire air pressure is low, check and/or inflate to recommended pressure printed on vehicle door post.
- Clean exterior windows if necessary.
Reason for Policy
Safe, reliable, and cost effective transportation requires regular preventative maintenance (PM), vehicle monitoring, and cost controls. This policy governs all aspects pertaining to University vehicle safety and operational expenses.
Additional Contacts
- Department Maintenance and Repair Costs Form
- Vehicle Safety Inspection Form Less than 10,000 GVWR
- Vehicle Safety Inspection Form Greater than 10,000 GVWR
- This policy was reformatted in 2020. No content edits were made.