
Title Responsible University Office Source

Academic Services Handbook

Academic Affairs UNL

Aesthetics Review Committee

Campus Planning UNL

Affirmative Action Council

Office of the President Office of the President

All in the Hall Recycling Program

Office of Sustainability UNL

Alternative Worksite Policy

Human Resources Office of the President

Animals / Pets

Business & Finance UNL

Athletic Department Policy Regarding Department Endorsement Activities

Athletics UNL

Athletic Facilities Use

Athletics UNL

Athletic Season Tickets

Athletics UNL


Campus Planning UNL

Bed Bug Response

Facilities Maintenance & Operations UNL

Board of Regents Bylaws

Board of Regents Office of the President

Board of Regents Policies

Board of Regents Office of the President

Botanical Garden and Arboretum Special Gifts Program

Facilities Maintenance & Operations UNL

Brand and Identity Standards

University Communication UNL

Building Energy Use

Facilities Maintenance & Operations UNL

Capital Planning

Campus Planning UNL


Office of the President Office of the President

Car Smash Safety and Process

Business & Finance UNL

Cash Handling

Bursar UNL


Business & Finance UNL

Chancellor's Policy Memoranda

Chancellor's Office UNL

Chosen Name and Gender Identity

Office of the President Office of the President

Commitment to Free Expression, Guide for Facilities Use, and Education

Board of Regents Office of the President

Computer Security Guidelines

Information Technology Services UNL

Conduct, Corrective Action and Dismissal for Cause

Human Resources UNL

Credit Card Processing

Bursar UNL

Criminal Background Checks

Human Resources/Payroll UNL

Debarment & Suspension

Research & Economic Development UNL

Department Change Funds

Bursar UNL

Design Guidelines for Facilities Construction

Facilities Planning & Construction UNL

Digital Copyright Guidelines

Information Technology Services UNL

Disposition of Final Pay of Deceased Employee

Human Resources UNL

Driving and Motor Vehicles

Fleet Management UNL

Drugs and Alcohol

Police UNL

Effort Reporting (PARs)

Research & Economic Development UNL

Electronic Check Re-presentment

Bursar UNL

Emergency Assistance Fund

Office of the President Office of the President


Academic Affairs UNL

Establishing Information Security Policies

Information Technology Services Office of the President

Executive Memoranda

Office of the President Office of the President

Export Controls

Research & Economic Development UNL

Face Covering Policy

Chancellor's Office UNL

Final Examinations and Fifteenth Week (Dead Week)

Academic Affairs UNL


Facilities Maintenance & Operations UNL

Foam Free Campus

Business & Finance UNL

Food & Beverage Service

Business & Finance UNL

Football Game Day Stadium Halo

Business & Finance UNL

Forming a University-Related Subsidiary or Affiliate (Adoption of Executive Memorandum 37)

Office of the President Office of the President

Funding Non-Travel Related Meals and Receptions

Accounts Payable UNL

Gender Inclusive Restrooms

Facilities Planning & Construction UNL


Human Resources UNL

Guidelines for Faculty Appointments

Academic Affairs UNL

Guidelines for Faculty Leaves

Academic Affairs UNL

Guidelines for the Evaluation of Faculty: Annual Evaluations, Promotion, and Tenure

Academic Affairs UNL

Health Care Policy for Tenured Early Retirees

Academic Affairs UNL

Human Research Protection Program Policies and Procedures

Research & Economic Development UNL

Human Subjects Research Policies and Protections

Research & Economic Development UNL

Incident Reporting Procedures

Business & Finance UNL

Inclement Weather

Business & Finance UNL

Inclement Weather Pay/Leave

Human Resources UNL

Institutional Data Use

Office of the President Office of the President

Integrated Pest Management

Facilities Maintenance & Operations UNL

Interagency Mail

Business & Finance UNL


Procurement UNL

Keys/Facility Access

Facilities Maintenance & Operations UNL

Lactation Support

Human Resources UNL

Lost and Found

Police UNL

Mobility (Wheels on Campus)

Campus Planning UNL

Moving Relocation

Office of the President Office of the President

NCard (Campus ID)

Business & Finance UNL


Board of Regents Office of the President

NIH No Cost Extension Policy & Procedures

Research & Economic Development UNL

NIH Policy Regarding Visa Costs

Research & Economic Development UNL

NIH Public Access Policy Quick Facts

Research & Economic Development UNL

Non-Monetary Donations and Gifts

Accounting UNL

Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity


NSF Policy Regarding Visa Costs

Research & Economic Development UNL

NSF Policy Statement Regarding Cost Share

Research & Economic Development UNL

NU Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment

Board of Regents Office of the President

Outside Bank Accounts

Bursar UNL

Paid Holiday Leave

Office of the President Office of the President

Parking and Transit Services Regulations

Parking & Transit Services UNL

Pay Transparency

Human Resources UNL

Payroll Tax Withholding

Human Resources UNL

Personnel Files

Human Resources UNL

PI Transfer/Award Relinquishment

Research & Economic Development UNL

Post Tenure Review

Academic Affairs UNL


Procurement UNL

Professional Services Contracts

Procurement UNL

Proposal & Pre-Proposal Routing Requirements

Research & Economic Development UNL

Public Record Requests

Office of the President Office of the President

Records Retention

Business & Finance UNL

Red Flag Rule

Bursar UNL

Requesting Personnel Costs on Sponsored Projects

Research & Economic Development UNL

Research Misconduct

Research & Economic Development UNL

Residual Funds on Fixed Price Sponsored Contracts Policy & Form

Research & Economic Development UNL

Resignation and Dismissal

Human Resources UNL

Restriction on the Use of UNL and University Foundation Funds for Parking Permits

Parking & Transit Services UNL

Returned Checks

Bursar UNL

Review and Reappointment of Administrative Officers

Academic Affairs UNL

Risk Classification and Minimum Security Standards

Information Technology Services Office of the President

Royalty Distribution

Research & Economic Development UNL


Board of Regents Office of the President

Security Camera Use

Police UNL

Service Centers

Accounting UNL

Service of Alcohol

Business & Finance UNL

Sexual Misconduct


Signature Authority

Procurement UNL

Social Security Number Usage Policy

Information Technology Services UNL

Space Allocation

Facilities Planning & Construction UNL

Staff/Student Sexual Harassment/Involvement

Student Affairs UNL

Standing Rules of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska

Board of Regents Office of the President

Sustainable Design

Office of the President Office of the President

Temporary Appointments

Human Resources/Payroll UNL

Tobacco Free Campus

Business & Finance UNL

Trademark Disclosure

Business & Finance UNL

Transfer of Personal Property to Another Institution

Business & Finance UNL

Travel (Foreign & Domestic)

Office of the President Office of the President


Police UNL

Uniform Guidance Procurement Policy Deferment

Research & Economic Development UNL

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bylaws

Chancellor's Office UNL

University Vehicle Management

Fleet Management UNL

University Vehicle Procurement, Ownership and Rental

Fleet Management UNL

University Vehicle Service, Maintenance, and Repair

Fleet Management UNL

UNL Conflict of Interest & Conflict of Commitment Policy

Research & Economic Development UNL

UNL Web Framework Terms of Use

University Communication, Information Technology Services UNL

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Business & Finance UNL

Use of University Facilities and Grounds

Business & Finance UNL

Utilities Outages

Facilities Maintenance & Operations UNL

VCR Cost Share Request

Research & Economic Development UNL

VCR Faculty Travel Awards

Research & Economic Development UNL

Wayfinding and Signage Standards

Facilities Planning & Construction Office of the President


Police UNL

Web Advertising and Sponsorship

Business & Finance UNL

Whistleblower Reporting Hotlines

Business & Finance Office of the President

Youth Activities

Business & Finance UNL