Last Updated: Thursday, December 24, 2020
Model Category: Revenue
Model Line: Undergraduate Remissions, L12
Budget Model Contents
It is the tuition on the student’s bill that is not collected, or a discounting of tuition cost.
Source Of Amount
- SAP cost objects 219907*
- Cost center category of "R"
Step Down
Other reconciling items related to cross-campus settlement and accrual/reversal postings are included in the balance to allocate.
Balance To Distribute
The majority of Undergrad remissions will be assigned directly to the student’s primary college. (In FY19, 93% of undergrad remissions were directly assigned.) The remaining amount of remissions are pooled and assigned to the colleges based on the proportion of the percentage of remissions directly assigned. The pooled dollars represents students with undeclared majors.
Direct and assigned
SAP Vs Model
- The financial system does not provide student level detail on UG remissions.
- Model will show remissions on two lines, direct and pooled
Student detail will be in model detailsQ&A
- Where can I see my student level detail? The model ratio remission detail view.
- Are the remissions an allocation or direct/dollar for dollar? The majority of UG remissions are directly assigned.
- Who pays for Regents and other state aided awards? It is the tuition on the student’s bill that is not collected, or a discounting of tuition cost.
- Who pays for the Explore/undeclared students? Everyone, proportionally