Business and Finance (B&F) initiated a Strategic Planning and Inclusive Excellence Roadmap process in Summer of 2019 with an end goal of identifying Business and Finance Strategic Priorities that are aligned with the goals and priorities of the university. The major milestones and inputs of this process included: A Climate Survey conducted across all B&F departments; B&F leaders held workshops using data from climate survey and the N2025 draft to establish a common set of Values and Principles for Business and Finance; B&F staff conducted department promise workshops to set departmental level Customer Service Strategies; B&F leaders established a Business and Finance Strategic Plan that includes priorities that directly align with the goals of the university and support the Principles and Values of Business and Finance.
What follows are the overarching Strategic Priorities within Business and Finance that integrate the Aims of the N2025 Strategic Plan. In addition to this plan, each individual department manages additional strategic priorities of their specific operations.
N2025 Aim 1: Innovate student experiences that prepare graduates to be life-long learners and contributors to the workforce in Nebraska and the world.
B&F Goal: By providing a safe, smart, and reliable environment for learning and research in world-class facilities, we deliver innovative opportunities that are customer-focused and strategic to help enrich the student experience.
N2025 Aim 2: Establish a culture at Nebraska committed to increasing the impact of research and creative activity.
B&F Goal: By reimagining and designing new systems and processes, we will empower the campus community to make informed, efficient decisions that enhance UNL’s trajectory as a leading Research university.
N2025 Aim 4: Broaden Nebraska’s engagement in community, industry, and global partnerships
B&F Goal: By increasing collaboration across the city, NU System, state, country and the world, we will form even stronger and more diverse partnerships.
N2025 Aim 5: Create a climate at Nebraska that emphasizes, prioritizes, and expands its culture and environment.
B&F Goal: By creating an inviting, inclusive community of respect, kindness, and encouragement, we will spark our imagination through ideas and open exchange. We are committed to a strong culture and environment as a purposeful and conscious fabric of our daily existence and will demonstrate a welcoming and engaging workplace culture centered on civility, respect and understanding.
N2025 Aim 6: Prioritize participation and professional development for all Nebraska students, staff and faculty.
B&F Goal: By actively seeking to enhance individual and team capabilities and looking at each day as an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to delivering value, we believe in the team by valuing the unique strengths and abilities of individuals.
"Aim 7" Responsible Stewardship of Resources. To achieve the N2025 aims, the university must commit to responsible stewardship of resources to reinforce institutional priorities. Responsible stewardship requires organizational and operational effectiveness, proper investment in physical and technological infrastructure, and commitment to sustainability.
B&F Goal: Our plan adds "Aim 7", which builds on the “Responsible Stewardship of Resources” section in the N2025 plan. We see this added Aim as an essential component of our operation and Strategic Planning efforts. In response to this Aim, we will strive to be organizationally and operationally efficient and effective, commit to maximizing our value to meet the mission of the university, invest in physical and technological infrastructure, and be committed to sustainability in every department.